Containers - start/stop

There is a complete example of how to setup a container control panel in the solutions section.
Installation type Difficulty to do this

Running as a Systemd service


Running in a container

Setup needed - see below

Example config.yaml

  - title: Stop Plex
    shell: docker stop plex

  - title: Start plex
    shell: docker start plex

Setup if running inside a container

You can control other containers, when running OliveTin inside a container itself, however you need to do some extra setup when creating the OliveTin container.

If you want to control Docker from inside a Docker container, you will need to also create the container with --privileged. Podman does not have this requirement. If you are getting "permission denied" errors it is probably because OliveTin runs as user UID 1000 by default, which is not allowed by your docker host. Simply run OliveTin with --user root as a simple workround. Note that PUID and PGID variables will not work.
  1. Pass /var/run/docker.sock as a bind mount to the container when creating it, eg:

    docker create --privileged --user root -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...additional args here...

    Or, using the docker run syntax;

    docker run --privileged --user root -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name OliveTin jamesread/olivetin
  2. The official x86_64 docker container comes with the docker client pre-installed. If you are using arm or and arm64 container, you will need to add Docker yourself.

    The reason that the arm and arm64 containers do not include docker, is that when these images are cross-compiled at build time, it takes FOREVER because we have to emulate arm.

After you have passed the socket into the container (and optionally installed docker), you should be able to setup docker actions like it’s shown in the example above.