
First of all, a huge, huge thanks for reading this page, and considering some form of contribution. Here are some suggestions below.

OliveTin does not accept Donations and Sponsorship.
  1. If you have 2 Minutes to contribute: Share how you are using OliveTin, on Reddit, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Mastodon, or whatever - use the hashtag #OliveTin. Show a screenshot or blog about it. Tell people how OliveTin helped you. There is also #screenshot-showcase in the OliveTin Discord community. If you want to ping me directly, I really like getting email or PMs; jump on Discord and just say it, or contact me via one of the methods found at .

  2. If you have 10 minutes to contribute: Answer a call for support: look for support issues in #support on discord, or tagged om GitHub issues, and help someone out! You don’t have to solve the problem, just point someone in the right direction.

  3. If you have 15 minutes to contribute:

    1. Write up a feature request on GitHub issues

    2. Improve the docs - I make a LOT of typos!

  4. If you have lots of time: contribute code!

  5. If you have spare compute - spare server capacity where I can have a virtual machine with root access, then having more VMs to test OliveTin on is always very welcome indeed. I have a lot of sever capacity already though personally, so I’m probably just being greedy for CPU and RAM :-)